Monday, March 24, 2008

the illluminati

really do exist

Related: Fish People


  1. Semi-related as far as atheism goes - PLEASE entertain yourself with one of the best voiced rants ever! (Don't listen if you're a super-liberal)

    Youtube search = "Adam Carolla religion" (adam carolla from loveline and The Man Show)

    TRUST ME it is worth the 10 minutes!!!

    Key excerpt - You're insecure, you're pussies! Just shut up!

  2. The more relevant clip is "Adam Carolla Atheism" - but frankly, I would recommend both and on top of that any Adam Carolla clip that comes up on youtube. Even if you don't agree with him, his delivery is priceless.

  3. ha, adam carolla is the shit. i'm gonna check that out... when i'm not at work ;)
